Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BMW Motor-cycle with side-car

It was not uncommon in the late 1950's until the early 1960's to come across one of the Jesuit priests of St. Britto's High School, thundering down the streets of Mapusa town (Goa - India) on a shaft-driven BMW motorcycle, albeit without the side-car. It was easily distinguishable by the distinct low thud of its engine. I could not refrain from turning my head as the priest sped by whenever I happened to go to Mapusa town from Guirim, which is just about 2 km away. This motor-bike was a legend in its time in the Goa of the past.
The model shown above has been hand-crafted
by Tony Fernandes
from 1/8" thick plywood. Length: 10 inches.
with rotating wheels and detachable side-car.