Pyrographic Drawing
Pyrographic Drawing
by Tony Fernandes
on pinewood block size 10 in x 8 in.
on pinewood block size 10 in x 8 in.
"ECCE HOMO" (in other words: 'Behold the Man')
The Latin word composition 'Ecce Homo' is a standard component of cycles illustrating the Passion and Life of Christ.
It is also used as a title of Drawings of Jesus used by many great artists, depicting the time prior to His Crucifixion. Generally, in the art world, the words represent the scourging of Christ in a painting, in a statue or in other representations of Christ crowned with thorns.
These were Latin words meaning "Behold the Man" used by Pontius Pilate when he presented a scourged Jesus Christ, bound and crowned with thorns to a hostile crowd shortly before his Crucifixion.
'TonFerns Pyrography' - technique of burning images permanently into wood by hand using various types of styli at variable temperatures) Pyrographic Drawing by Tony Fernandes on pinewood block size 10 in x 8 in. - 3/4 in thick.
'TonFerns Pyrography' - technique of burning images permanently into wood by hand using various types of styli at variable temperatures) Pyrographic Drawing by Tony Fernandes on pinewood block size 10 in x 8 in. - 3/4 in thick.
~ 'TonWoodburns' ~