Beating a hasty retreat back to my den yesterday has made me look back on the brighter side of my little adventure.
Sorry folks I did not mean to be mean! Hey! How’s that for a vocab from down under? I just realized that perhaps, I make them forget the usual humdrum and monotonous life they lead in the human rat-race as I entice them with my tactics and cool strategy while they wait in anticipation for my grand annual appearance, or so they seem to think.
In fact I was up there 2 weeks ago. Only thing was that none of the folks knew that. No one noticed. Any way the point I am trying to make about the good side is that tiny and insignificant that I am the remaining 364 days of the year I manage to steal at least one day of their attention and bask in glory and fame, successfully diverting their minds away from the usual fare of daily news – reports of strife, war, floods, downpours, snowstorms, blizzards and dirty politics going on all over the world. And gossip and rumours about celebrities.