Bridge over the River Zuari
Goa, India
(Painting in Water Color by Tony Fernandes)
It has always been man’s quest since Eden to explore the other side of the river. We see land across on the other side for years. To explore that land we need to get to that side first. So then we make an effort to build a canoe and row to the other side with oars. Then we build a boat. We are still not happy and we want to make things easy, so we put a sail on it.
Things are going smooth but not fast enough. We want to get to the other side much quicker. Hence we fit a motor to the boat. But then we have to face rough seas and stormy weather at times. And all this is too much work and trouble to get across. So we link two separate pieces of land by building a bridge across the river.
Ever since then we have been building bridges across the rivers joining different landscapes and this way people are brought closer too. In real life we can use the bridge as an illustration or an example of bridging the gap between two people who love and care for each other uniting them with their ideas and thoughts as easily as driving to the other side.
When most of the things in our life seem to have carried on fairly well, then its an ideal time to enjoy the view around us from the very bridge that we built, and the scenic panorama can be as spectacular as your life itself.
A bridge can be set as an example of a permanent promise of unity that connect two personalities and two minds of people into similar thoughts, ideas and respect for each other, running smoothly in both directions forever, even though the distance may be short.
But life on the bridge sometimes can be as difficult and turbulent as the waters that gush beneath it. The tide plays its part too just like the ups and downs of life or the boatman who struggles below the bridge fighting the stormy winds or the strong current.
However, and unfortunately rather, these wonderful bridges, these seemingly strong links over water between two pieces of land get broken by war and strife created by man - just like a rift that lead to a breakup of hearts of two souls that once lived and promised to love each other forever.
But then, after all, life’s like that - like a bridge over troubled water - and as long as the romance endures.