Saturday, July 31, 2010
Goan Proverbs & Sayings
Friday, July 30, 2010
Goan Proverbs & Sayings
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Pozo Seco Singers
Some people run, some people crawl,
Some people don't even move at all
Some roads lead forward some roads lead back
Some roads are bathed in light, some wrapped in fearful black
Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good, good time where did you go
Some people never get, some never give
Some people never die and some never live
Some folks treat me mean, some treat me kind
Most folks just go their way, don't pay me any mind
Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good, good time where did you go
Sometimes I'm satisfied, sometimes I'm not
Sometimes my face is cold, sometimes it's hot
Sunset I laugh, sunrise I cry
At midnight I'm in between and wondering why
Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good good time where did you go
Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good good time where did you go
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Players
The Players
I grew up in the fifties with parents so loving
May they rest in peace
Mom waited up while I studied by the candle light
Late into the sombre night;
Too afraid she was
Lest should I on my book fall asleep.
A name for her we siblings had
Our very own Florence Nightingale
For everyone around her she cared
Tending to a neighbour’s sick child
Or making a cup of hot soup for the old man
Who nearby alone lived.
A Father who was happier
Fixing the ancient cupboard hinges that creaked
Than buying a new cupboard… a name for him we had too
The Handyman around the house
There wasn’t anything that he could not fix.
Their marriage was good,
Their dreams not grandiose but focused.
Mom ever raising her voice I do not recall
Dad over his anger always kept control.
Our best friends lived barely a wave
Or a stone’s throw away.
I can imagine seeing them now,
Dad in his favourite khaki shorts,
Tee shirt and a pith helment;
And Mom in a house dress,
Broom in one hand, dish-towel in the other
Doris Day’s Que Sera Sera played on the radio.
And Patti Page sang the Tennessee Waltz
While the dog lazed on the patio.
For Dad, it was always the time for fixing things
I don’t ever remember seeing him idle –
A curtain rod, the kitchen stool,
The backyard fence, the rake handle, the broken tile
Or the pedal of my bicycle.
He could fix it all.
For Mom, it was the hem in a dress,
A quilt she would stitch
A sweater she would knit;
The missing shoe lace
Or replacement of a lost button
On my school uniform that had quit.
A few years later my Mom died,
And on that clear August night,
About her death I received a telegram,
For the first time I was struck with pain,
A void and loneliness in my little room;
Realised someone was not there any more
Felt lonelier than ever before.
Sometimes, what we care most about
Gets all used up without we knowing it
It goes away...never to return.
So...while we have it … it is best we love it.....
And care for it.....and fix it when it's broken.....
And heal it when it's sick.
This is true...for marriage...and old bicycles...
Children burdened with homework...
And dogs in the daytime that rarely barked
But somehow into the darkness the whole night yelped;
The myna and the parrot mimicked one another,
The cat that slept most of the day,
And untiring parents...and grandparents… with a house neatly kept.
The same goes for friends too -
Good old friends who were always there
And those we have known for so long;
Some things we keep - because they are worth it.
Classmates, neighbours and buddies we grew up with.
For me all things old are not just nostalgia,
A mere musing or reminiscence,
They are just some things that have made my life worth living,
Like people we know who are special
Who we keep close to our hearts and minds,
And remember and treasure.
Mom and Dad were THE Players in my team.
So were my neighbours and class-mates
And friends I met along the way;
You are no different.
You are my friend
A REAL PLAYER in my life too!
You have given your share
In making life worth living.
Tony Fernandes
Monday, July 26, 2010
Goan Proverbs & Sayings - Ghoribank nhuim tim Pomburpechim Festam
(Konkani: Opari ani Mhunn'eo)
Goan proverbs and sayings are often and generally quoted in passing conversation, in wit and humour, and in satire and sarcasm. They are often used to make a point and drive it home at the same time - as a Goan would use them figuratively to 'kator' someone (colloquially meaning as bringing someone 'in line'). These proverbs and sayings have been handed down from previous generations. There are also some variations in their text and quotation. No doubt every culture have their own, but the wit and meaning is best delivered in its own original phrase and form.
Saying in Konkani: 'Ghoribank nhuim tim Pompurbechi Festam'
(Literal translation: 'The feast of Pomburpa is not meant for the poor'.)
Applied connotation: It is wise not to bite more than what one can chew.

Part of the celebration included the sale of furniture of all kinds – beds, folding dining tables, roof tiles from Mangalore, timber and bamboo from as far as the Malabar coast in Southern India, and of course there was a huge variety of sweets, food, drinks, a gamut of children's toys, and household provisions of all kinds. Hence it was obvious that one must have sufficient money to travel from far away if the intention was to purchase household furniture or other items at this acclaimed feast and legendary fair.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Maritimes, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

where time stands still
with people around, happy and merry.
Dabble in the splendour of
The Maritime provinces are also known as 'the Maritimes' or the 'Canadian Maritimes'. It is a region of Eastern Canada consisting of three provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. On the Atlantic coast, the Maritimes are a subregion of Atlantic Canada.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Picturesque Baddeck

Friday, July 23, 2010
The Maritimes - The Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada
Thursday, July 22, 2010
CAPE BRETON - The Maritimes, Canada

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Maritimes - Prince Edward Island at Souris

Bed and breakfast by the sea
Two great and kind people – Anna and Frankie
Greet and welcome you in their home at
Next day over breakfast you will briefly hear
The gentle and modest words
Of the island’s last lighthouse keeper
About happiness without wealth, always full of cheer.
There in a souvenir shop we bought a CD
With songs of the
I haven’t stopped playing them endlessly.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Maritimes - Prince Edward Island, Canada

The sea gulls soaring high
Above in the sky
Seem to greet you
In this wonderful land of happy people around
And the splendour of
A land of great mariner’s tales
Timeless stories and fables
Of L.M. Montgomery
And Anne of Green Gables.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Maritimes - Prince Edward Island, Canada

Friday, July 16, 2010
Tonferns - Hopewell Rocks, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Maritimes - Hopewell Rocks, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick
Magnetic Hill
This amazing natural phenomenon has been baffling visitors for over 75 years. Sit back and be amazed as you drive your car to the bottom of Magnetic Hill, take your foot off the brake and roll back uphill - Amazing! 2008 marked the 75th anniversary of the official discovery of Magnetic Hill.