Picturesque Goa

Picturesque Goa
NOSTALGIA - Articles,Poems & Photos


TONFERNS CREATIONS - Tony's Art & Hobbies

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Flower Full Moon



Meanwhile, in Mississauga last night, the sky was clear to view the Flower Full Moon, after an overall cloudy day. In folklore, the full moon in May is known as the flower moon because it occurs as spring blossoms in the Northern Hemisphere. The term was popularized by the Farmer's Almanac, which attributes it to the Algonquin people of North America.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bread Bag Tie Art


‘Snowy Day in Canada’

 - a creative work - 

by my granddaughter Aysha and myself.

Bread bag ties glued on cardboard. Size 13” x 9”.

Monday, May 24, 2021



Ugddas maka
Mojea burgeaponnailo sodanch eta, 
Jednam viaj marun amcho xezari
Porot bailea gavan voiche adle ratri
Bolkavant zatali zoma vaddeantlea lokachi
Ani dukhest asle zaite-se dusre xezari.

Burgo asslom aum, auchit vollon nodor moji poddli
Tor tednam disso maka
Ghorchim kortat gai munn Devak
Kherit aplim magnnim
Polloun pustalin munn aplim dukam
Chodd dukh maka bogtali.

Astanam ami 
Amchea Goeam
Aikonk naslem 
‘Mortgage’ kitem gai munn tednam
Zolmolelea ghara bhair 
Dusrem ghor naslem amkam.

Atam zalim thoddinch vorsam
Amchea vhoddilanchem baxen
Bailea gavant 
Khud paulom aum atam
Ani ekach xarant ravon sarlim
Zaitim khuxealborith vorsam.

Punn chintun atam niall aum kortam
Sabar dis zalet passar
Ravon aum hea porkea ganvant
Chintlem vochonk dusrea gharant
Punn darantlo bhair aum sodhtam tednam
Goenche baxen xezari kiteak mellonk heunk nam makam?

Vorsam zaitim zalint atam
Burgeaponnailo ugddas 
Auchit anink ek pautt ailo makam
Jednam nodor moji poddli
Xezari aplea dharantlem tond
Katortalo mixinant tednam.

Aplem mixin bond korun
Tanklenam xezareak mojea,
Adeus korunk maka;
Chintun hea gauncheo thoddeo riti
Anink ek pautt vhodd dukh bogli maka
Pussunk poddlim avem mojinch dukam.

Adeus mojea
Goenchea xezarea
Pois thaun chodd tuzo ugddass eta maka
Kallzan thaun Deu Borem Koruum munntam
Magun bori saud ani bolaiki
Devan dhuincheak tukam.

Tony Fernandes                       July 2017  

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Twin Pages Samples of 'A Line in Time"

 A sample of twin pages (Pg.36 & 37) from my 2nd book 'A Line in Time' - a collection of line drawings that are reflections of all things Goan, scenes of the U.A.E., as well as landscapes of Canada. The booklet contains 136 pages of illustrations and descriptions of drawings that were sketched over my lifetime. Published in Sept. 2019. This book can be ordered on line through

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Twin Pages Sampling of 'A Line in Time'

 A sample of twin pages from my 2nd book 'A Line in Time' - a collection of line drawings that are reflections of all things Goan, scenes of the U.A.E., as well as landscapes of Canada. The booklet contains 136 pages of illustrations and descriptions of drawings that were sketched over my lifetime. Published in Sept. 2019. This book can be ordered on line from