Picturesque Goa

Picturesque Goa
NOSTALGIA - Articles,Poems & Photos


TONFERNS CREATIONS - Tony's Art & Hobbies

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Periwinkle Flowers in Goa


Periwinkle Flowers are very common in Goa, blooming in every house garden.

Periwinkle flowers are derived from two genera in the apocynaceae family – the vinca, better known as the common periwinkle, and catharanthus, often called the Madagascar periwinkle. They are both relatively small species – the Madagascar variety numbering around eight, while the vinca hosts a meager five species to its name – and are strikingly similar in many ways. For instance, both have petite, five-petaled blossoms; long growing stems which can range between 3 to 30 inches above ground; and both types have glossy, bright green foliage. The Madagascar periwinkle is native to areas of southern Asia, while vinca is indigenous to Europe, Asia and Africa. The hues of these flowers can range from white and violet, to rose, pink and red.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Vegetable Medley

(Cauliflower/Carrots/French Beans)
 Blended with just the right amount of zip to titillate your palate, excitingly rich and full of flavour that builds in your mouth. Guaranteed to thrill. It's been a very popular  and successful flavour since its introduction in Spring 2012 after several experiments and combinations.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

NIGHT SKY - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Orion, sometimes subtitled The Hunter, 
is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator 
and visible throughout the world. 
It is one of the most conspicuous,
 and most recognisable constellations in the night sky
especially by the three stars that form the hunter's belt.

Its name refers to Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology.
 It is one of my favourite constellations
Betelguese is among its brightest stars, which ranks
as the 8th brightest star in the night sky. 

Orion is clearly visible in the night sky
from November to February.
 Finding Orion's Belt is the easiest way
to locate the Orion Constellation.
 Orion's Belt is formed by three bright stars;
Alnilam, Mintaka and Alnitak.

Photograph by: Tony Fernandes
Nikon D40X - f3.5  30sec. 10.17pm 24 March 2012
(For an enlarged view please click on picture)

On this night moving almost in tandem to the south-west is the Moon seemingly in close proximity to planet Venus.

Photograph by Tony Fernandes
Nikon D40X f5.6 30sec
10.15 pm 26th March 2012
(For an enlarged view please click on picture)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Longest & Straight Boulevard in Goa

Saligao to Parra 3.9 km
The Longest Straight Road
with concrete pavement tiles on both sides

Welcome to Saligao

 View of Monte de Guirim from Saligao to Parra Road

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Junaswada Park, Mandrem, Pernem, North Goa, India



Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Guirim/Sangolda Parish

This church is dedicated to St. Diogo, Patron of Guirim and Sangolda villages, facing true East. This magnificent church was constructed in 1604 A.D. and is the 13th of the 24 Churches erected in the Bardez taluka.

The distinctive features of this church are many. The main altar is dedicated to the patron St. Diogo and on either side is St. Anthony of Padua and St. Francis of Assisi. There are 5 other ornate altars located  in the nave. The altar on the left hand side is dedicated to infant Jesus and on the right is dedicated to Our Lady of Rosary. Incidentally, just nearby to the West is St. Anthony's High School, an alma mater to so many across the world and the Franciscan Friary along with the Chapel of the Patron, St. Francis of Assisi. 

There are three bells to this church, two belong to Sangolda and one to Guirim. Three arched doors lead into the church, while a smaller arched door leads to the sacristy. There is also a side entrance on the Guirim side.

There are many stories about this church and the people of the two villages in myth, legend and folklore. Here is one about the 3 bells. The church is actually shared between 2 villages - Guirim on the North and Sangolda on the South side. Legend has it that soon after the church construction was completed, the elders decided that the villagers who install the bell will claim the rights. One day, when they were working on the church, it was very late, and it was then decided that they sleep it over and start the work on the bells next day. It is believed that the Guirim villagers went home, but the crafty and manipulative Sangolda villagers had ulterior motives! They decided to work through the night and installed 2 of the 3 bells and rang them aloud waking both the villages. Hence Sangolda claims 2 Bells of the church!

Among many other feuds and legends, one particular anecdote comes to mind which is a classic. An old woman from Guirim was on her death-bed, when a young neighbour whispered into her ear: "Ague, Jesu pau munn gue", ('Call out to Jesus") but to everyone's surprise, the dying woman is said to have opened her eyes saying "Jesu amcho nhuim, Jezu tancho, Ruzai Saibinn amchi. Aum Saibinn maim pav munttelim," (Jesus is not ours, Jesus is theirs; Our Lady of the Rosary is ours, so I will say 'Mother Mary come to me') and saying those words she breathed her last.

That explains the left side altar being dedicated to Infant Jesus (Sangolda side - South) while Our Lady of the Rosary is on the right (Guirim side  - North).

In a classic traditional layout of most churches, this church is no different. Typically, attached on the left is the sacristy, the vestry, a garden, surrounded by offices of the Parish, the Vicar's living quarters, kitchen and a well. Located on the right is the side entrance to the church like many other churches in Goa. Also located on the side is the cemetery with the timeless phrase on the arched transom of the doorway that reads in Konkani 'Aiz Maka, Faleam Tuka' (lit.trans: Today for me, tomorrow for You).

Facing the church is the Cross that stands in monumental white-washed glory, surrounded by a compound wall around with access to the church from four sides: from the back, from the Guirim side, from Sangolda side and from the front with steps that lead to the road through the vast fields to the east with a magnificent view of the hills of Sucorro and Porvorim.

Monday, March 19, 2012



Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) was introduced in Goa by the Portuguese in the 16th century. While the cashew plant is native to northeast Brazil, the Portuguese took it to Goa, India, between 1560 and 1565. From there it spread throughout Southeast Asia and eventually Africa.
Originally cultivated mainly to control soil erosion and to use in afforestation programmes, it has now become an important cash crop of Goa. Goa has more land under cashew than any other state. 
This fruit is unique in the way that it has its nuts hanging on the outside! 

Caju Fenny or Fenni is a world-famous Goan Spirit made from the juice of the cashew apple. Juice derived from the ripe cashew makes an excellent and refreshing drink. Goa has registered for a geographical indicator that would allow it to claim the sole right to term drink created in the region as fenny or 'Goan Cashew Feni'. The apples are picked and then crushed and fermented and then distilled to produce "urrack" which is the first distillate and less harsh on the palate and thereafter equal portions of the urrack and fresh ferment are distilled again to give you Fenni.

The seeds of cashews make a delicious snack containing healthy mono-unsaturated fats, magnesium and copper. It is also believed that eating the seeds can help prevent heart disease, promote strong bones, and give you energy. 

In cooking cashew seeds can be added to any dish. It is a great way to add taste and important nutrients to your diet. Some fine examples are Cashew Chick and Cashew Shrimp, with a huge variety of other cashew recipes and desserts like Cashew Brittle, Cashew Crunch and Cashew Turtles.
Processed cashew nuts, dried or toasted, separated from its outer shell, have been a prized and a very dear commodity - sold in small packets and bought by native visitors and foreign tourists, not as a keep-sake memento, but as an obligatory gift to a family member or friend, to be enjoyed preferably over a conversation, combined with a drink or two.

The kernel removed from cashew seeds in their raw state are known as 'fokam' and are available in limited quantities during the peak harvest season in the local markets in the month of April and May.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Keri (also known as Querim) is a quiet place situated in the northernmost region of Goa. The serene, calm and beautiful white sandy beach is one of the lesser-crowded beaches of Goa, ideal for a day out.
The ancient Tiracol Fort provides a panoramic view across the mouth of the Tiracol estuary. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Apostle of Ireland,
born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland,
in the year 387;
died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland,
17 March, 493.

The green color and the shamrock represents
and symbolizes Irish Christianity.
It is the national colour of Ireland and
everything goes green on St. Patrick's Day.
St. Patrick is believed to have used the shamrock
in teaching the Irish about the Holy Trinity.

Green is life, signifying growth, health, and environment.
Green is restful with cooling and calming attributes,
and good for the eyes.
Green is the national color of Ireland.
Green also heralds the onset of Spring

Thursday, March 15, 2012

GOA CHITRA - Museum founded by Victor Hugo Gomes

The Goa Chitra is a museum based in the former Portuguese colony (and now India's smallest state) of Goa. It has a large collection -- over 4000 artefacts -- focusing on Goa's traditional agrarian technology and lifestyle.
Goa Chitra is based in the coastal Goan village of Benaulim. It was founded and is run by the artist-curator-restorer Victor-Hugo Gomes. The museum has been described as one of Goa's most charming attractions. This little rural complex houses a huge collection of horse and bullock-drawn carriages and thousands of traditional implements, vessels and tools that evolved over centuries in the agrarian heartland of Goa in the service of farming and other traditional trades.

Goa Chitra's collection includes examples of local pottery, farming tools, musical instruments, ancient carts and palanquins -- from different points of the past. It also showcases an organic farm for the cultivation of various vegetables, herbs, spices, sugarcane, and rice -- all staples of the area in coastal western India 

Photos by Tony Fernandes

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Grandpa's Heart

News of you has taught me more,
I know now what a long life's for.
I've found through you my magic heart,
The kinder, gentler, patient part.

While I waited those months for you,
I reflected on the things we'd do.
I would be your special friend,
Have secrets to share and pennies to spend.

I would tell you of the past,
Leave you memories that would always last.
I would grant your every wish,
Like bigger scoops in your ice cream dish.

I would be your biggest fan,
The one cheering loudest from the stands.
I'd play games of make believe,
Pull magic tricks from up my sleeve.

I'd take lots of photographs,
And be generous with smiles and laughs.
The first time you were in my arms,
I felt the miracle of your charms.

I placed your newborn hand in mine,
And understood the gift of time.
Tender feelings are hard to express,
Grandchild,it is me you've blessed.

Your life gives me another chance,
A youthful heart and eyes that dance.
News of you has taught me more,
I know now what a long life is for.
I give to you the magic part,
Of your Grandpa's loving heart.

- Teri Harrison

Grandchild's Hand

Grandchild’s Hand

The promise of tomorrow
And the hope of dreams come true…
A reminder of the childhood
That’s still a part of you…
The wonder of a miracle
From which this love began…
There is so much found in the touch
Of holding a grandchild’s hand.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A NEW FERN - A New Beginning


To Our First Grandchild
 Ari Lukasz

It is a special time for us
as you bring great joy to us this day,
And it also means a lot
to those who love you, too ~
So, along with lots of love and pride
on this very special day,
Comes a wish that you’ll be blessed
in a very special way.