Bro. Peter - The Healing Friar of Monte de Guirim
Born: 14-3-1910 — Died: 4-5-2009.
Bro. Peter Rato, OFM Cap., was in charge of the "Infirmary" at St. Anthony's High School, Monte de Guirim, Bardez, Goa. He was already there at Monte in the year 1953 when I joined the school. He served there for many more years after that before moving on to the Capuchin Minor Seminary at Navelim. He celebrated his 100th birthday recently.
Boarding students who fell ill would be entrusted into his care. The Infirmary was equipped with beds for sick students. It was located away from the classrooms. Students would be confined to these quarters until they fully recovered and were fit to attend classes. He was also in charge of the vaccinations/inoculations that were regularly carried out at the school. Students were also given medical check-ups, and age, heights and weight were recorded under his supervision.
During the afternoon recess we often played on the terrace below the Refectory. Should any of the students get injured or happened to have a bruise from a fall, they would immediately run to Bro. Peter who would dab tincture, ointment, antisepetic or apply a band-aid.
But most of all what he was best known for was his cure for the deadly snake bites. These cures were nothing short of miracles. Brother Peter was a simple and humble friar, and completely dedicated to a way of life of caring for students and the folks around Goa in the true sense of the word. He never bragged of his prowess. He did not boast of his competence nor did he expect any reward or demand money in return. People had faith in him. He cured all for free. He was well respected for his humility and his special ability in his field. He had a remedy for them all.
He must have certainly been bestowed by the Almighty with the powers of healing just by touch and prayers. The medicine he applied or prescribed must be acting as a go-between - a mediator and a catalyst.
What a great and long life of dedicated service to humanity. He lived a cool hundred years. Definitely a great healer of a bygone era, Brother Peter Ratos, the healing Capuchin Friar of Monte de Guirim.
Requiescat In Pace, Bro. Peter Rato. My sincere condolences to relatives, friends, students and Friars at Monte de Guirim.
Tony Fernandes
Ex-Student, S.A.H.S.
Monte de Guirim
Class of 1964
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the write-up on Br. Peter Ratos and for the condolences. In fact it was not long ago that I had a chat with him in February - as is wont, he treated me to some of his pickles - when he told me that everything was fine with him except his heart. Well, that came true.
Your writings on Monte de Guirim and the Capuchin friars in Goa make up for the past which I was not a witness to but heard a whole lot about. Hopefully, somebody down the line will try to put the patches together of the place and people in the near future. My acquaintance is relatively recent with both the monte de guirim and the friars that have preceded me. Keep up the good work.
Wishing you well and praying for God's blessings on you and on your loved ones.
Fr. Clayton Fernandes OFM Cap., Rome
Dear Rev. Fr. Clayton,
Thanks for your appreciation of my small tribute to Brother Peter.
I have, over the last few years, written many nostalgic short articles regarding the good old days at my Alma Mater, on MonteDeGuirimYahoo Group.
If you wish to read these, kindly send me your e-mail contact and I will be happy to send them to you one by one, or perhaps you could read them on the forum by subscribing to it.
Tony Fernandes
Author: GOA - MEMORIES OF MY HOMELAND (Poems & Short Stories, Illustrations & Photographs)
Hello Tony Ferns,
Thank you for posting about Br. Peter Rattos. I was a Boarding student of SAHS from 1951 to 1961. I had the good fortune of knowing Br. Peter and have the experience of his healing care. he did terat me for minor bruises and hurts. he had a very caring and humble sprit. I had the pleasure of sharing the love and care of the Fransican Frias. This a truely dedicated group of dedicated and spritual people that live by example. All I have is good feelings for these friars as they gave the best of themselves with pride and joy for the love of their faith. may they have all the blessings to continue their good work for the poor. Please keep me in your mailing list. My email address is xavierpow@sympatico.ca.
Thank you,
Xavier Pow
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