Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Proud indeed. This Father of the Bride. A catchy title that sounds rich and honourable. Perhaps well deserved. To bask with pride and glory even if it means just for a day.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Village Wedding
Season of Lent
Days of fasting and prayer
Were over;
Eastertide was now here;
White-washed houses
Neat and tidy
Gleaming in the April sun
Awaited the vicar’s
Impending visit;
For his annual house blessing
And greeting.
Never failing to inquire
About husband or a son
Who worked far away
“Have you heard from your sons?”
The vicar asked.
“Yes” the lady of the house replied
“The oldest is due to arrive in May”
The entire village was vibrant
Folks excited and exuberant
Time of great expectations
Everyone waiting for the groom to arrive
From a place far away
For his holiday and wedding
In the month of May.
Unconfined to bride’s or groom’s household
It was a great joy for the entire village
In the celebration to share and partake
At the forthcoming marriage.
Customs and traditions
Invitations and rustic protocol
Deadlines met
The stage was finally set.
The long-awaited groom
Had finally arrived.
In front of his modest house
Young lads gave the village elders
A helping hand in matou construction
Of bamboo and palm fronds
Twirled coloured crepe
Streamers and decoration
Under their artistic direction
Carried out according to plan.
Rented chairs laid out all around.
By nightfall
Petromax lit and hung in the matou
Its incandescence brightened the whole village
While in the balcao
Boys and girls sang the mando.
In another village far away
The bride’s household
Filled with equal delight
Looked forward to this wedding
The following Sunday.
It was time for bhuim-jevonn,
Ross and doth
Vojem, dennem and portonnem:
Some traditions to carry forth
Long before dawn
Everyone was up and about
The big day and the white Chevrolet
Had finally arrived.
The groom in a double-breasted suit
Below the family altar stood
For blessing from parents and aunts
Grandparents and relatives;
For nuptials time was running out
In the parish of the groom at sharp ten o’clock.
The photographer
Was eager to capture
Special moments in the future
For folks to treasure.
Later the bridal couple
Best-man and bridesmaid
Took a ride to town
For a studio picture.
The newlyweds’ temporary stay
Was at the neighbours during the afternoon
Eager to make their grand appearance
For the reception at the groom’s
In the evening at five that day.
In the centre of the matou
The bridal couple stood
By the three-tier cake,
The Village Vicar raised the toast,
The nine-piece band
Played the wedding march
And as announced
By the Master of Ceremonies
They danced
To the selected first piece.
Boys and girls
Friends and relatives
With their partners they danced the night away
While the band played numbers
In regular sets of three
Waltzes and Foxtrot
Tango and Cha Cha Cha
Rumba and Samba
Not forgetting the Fiesta.
Soaring high
Were the moods and spirits
Patties and croquet,
Soup and pulav served
With other delicacies of the day.
It was time now
For the bride
To show off her talent
In singing her special song
Joined in by the groom with seconds
Breaking the night’s silence.
The grand finale
Was almost in sight
The bridal couple on chairs
Carried aloft till their lips
Finally met for the evening’s greatest
And most celebrated traditional kiss.
The untiring Emcee at his spoken best
Reluctantly made a final call
The last dance he announced;
The band obliged with an encore
For the delight and thrill of one and all;
It seemed evident now
That a day of a great celebration
Had finally come to a grand conclusion.
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

You had a clever way of getting out of any embarrassing situation like when you would come our stationery shop in Sharjah. You would usually sit on the photocopy boxes at the back of the store and sing. Well, I remember once you happened to sit on an empty box and sunk right in! But in your own way, you pretended as if nothing happened and continued singing. Well, I guess you have never stopped after that. You sang happily when times were tough, and even continue singing to this day. Can't wait to hear you sing on your wedding day.
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Like all flowers, our daughter Dahlia has brought us great joy in our lives as she grew up with many great memories. I still remember when she was little she did not let me bring my work home with me. So when I came home, Dahlia would hide in a nook or corner around the house and I was supposed to find her. I always did, but one day I forgot to look out for her. When I remembered ten minutes later, I found her asleep behind her bedroom door.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 09, 2010

Yes, a Dahlia among my other two flowers. Always happy and never a dull moment. We all in the family are terribly excited. I have so many things still left to do. There are many artistic surprises on my hands that I must not disclose. Thirteen days remaining for the big day. Checking reminders list and adding more to it.
So what happens when our flower leaves the garden. I guess it will be empty. Though it will sad to see her leave and her absence felt I will am very happy in the thought that she has not only found somebody she loves, but one that also loves her.
Thursday, April 08, 2010

So 14 days more and counting.
Photo by: Tony Fernandes
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Felicio then paid a quick visit to the refectory, and while passing through the kitchen he was pleasantly surprised to see a medium-duty winch on an overhead I-beam track that is now used to lift the huge cauldrons of food from the cooking stoves. Innovative! Before his departure Felicio decided to pace up to the eastern corner of the terrace just below the refectory and next to the garage where once the famed “Land-Rover” stayed parked. But something was missing. It was the mango tree.
“Just let me cast one last glimpse south-east towards the beautiful and pristine landscape of fields and green hills of Socorro, Porvorim and Sangolda before I depart” a thought that he heard himself whisper as he gradually panned his head like a movie camera. And he took it all in! The green watermelon and vegetable patches in the distance lay sprawled along the twin roads that led to the hilly slopes of Sangolda. The view had not changed much. “May it always remain so and not turn into a concrete jungle”, he prayed.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
None of Felicio’s visits to Goa would be complete without going to St. Diogo's Church and then visiting his Alma Mater, situated atop the hill and known as “Monte de Guirim”.
This time, a guided tour of the new building followed a long conversation with the Principal and the Headmaster of the school.
The new purpose-built wing, which features a novel sky-light, broad corridors and stair-well, is actually built on the very same spot where a humble but massive shed first stood in the early sixties.
Felicio seemed to drift far away in his thoughts taking him back in time, remembering his class in that shed, when the Headmaster who was once a pupil in that same school startled Felicio echoing his own sentiments when he said: “Remember the old days?” “Oh, yes,” Felicio replied, “I still remember those were the days when during a heavy downpour in the monsoon the students would have had to shift to a safer place to avoid the drops of rain ruining their study books”. This was during the time when the new school building was in the process of being erected, and a a huge temporary thatched roof shed was built that had nearly 3 class with 3 divisions each, to accommodate the sudden increase in the number of students in the late 1950's - early 1960's.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Thursday, April 01, 2010
In the old days the market place in Mapusa was busy only on the day it is best known for – the famous ‘Friday Bazaar’ day. But now every day seems like a Friday.
There are hawkers everywhere – at the entrance to the market and on the pavements too. The walkways are full of a huge new variety of merchandise. Half-clad white tourists with a local in tow roam around the crowded bazaar. Women in mini-skirts and big fat sweating men in shorts with huge bare bellies wander amidst local folks.