Picturesque Goa

Picturesque Goa
NOSTALGIA - Articles,Poems & Photos


TONFERNS CREATIONS - Tony's Art & Hobbies

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

THE MUG - Poem by Tony Fernandes

The Mug

If a human heart
Could be like a like a mug;
Then you can judge
Its purity and its contents
by what comes out of it
After you’ve set out
What you want to prepare
With so much care.
So today for a start shall we say
let’s try and put in it unity,
Sprinkle good values,
Garnish with love and understanding;
Add faith, hope and charity,
And stir it up with friendship.
And let it rest awhile.
And what will pour out from it for you,
Your family and friends to savour
In the future is just that
for your taste;
And having said this I will rest my case.
Tony Felix Fernandes

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