Picturesque Goa

Picturesque Goa
NOSTALGIA - Articles,Poems & Photos


TONFERNS CREATIONS - Tony's Art & Hobbies

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

St. Diogo's Church, Guirim/Sangolda

St. Diogo's Church - Guirim/Sangolda Parish
Bardez - Goa - India

Poignant memories of my childhood in Goa where I grew up and went to school at St. Anthony's High as a day-scholar, still linger. On Sunday mornings I walked to Church with my parents to attend Mass, where I sometimes served Mass in Latin as an altar boy. Later in the afternoon, I attended Catechism classes.

Years later I completed my college education in Bombay, and eventually I worked far away from home. Every year I went on a holiday to see my parents, and attended Mass in the same old  village church again re-living the memories of my childhood, albeit just briefly, the difference being my childhood friends had grown up into men too. We met outside the church after the Mass and spoke about the old times when we were all young. There was a brief pause as we momentarily reflected on our  younger times through moist eyes.

In my drawing of our parish church, on the far right is the cemetery. There lie the graves of my Mum and Dad.

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