Picturesque Goa

Picturesque Goa
NOSTALGIA - Articles,Poems & Photos


TONFERNS CREATIONS - Tony's Art & Hobbies

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 Yuletide on Wheels
 Going back in time to a Christmas in Guirim,
 Cumbiem Morod, Bardez, Goa.
Noel 2006

It was a typical joyful evening of the season. As usual during this particular time of year happiness abounds everywhere around the countryside in Goa. During one such late evening, while I was on a holiday in Goa, I went to visit my relatives in the quaint little village of Cumbiem Morod, Guirim, Bardez, Goa, where I had spent my childhood.
The sun was about to disappear over the horizon and call it a day. The cool late December evening breeze blew across the village. Cars, trucks and scooters whizzed by the winding narrow road, quite unlike the old days when I went to school. The sunset had cast a reddish glow over the western evening skies. It was apparent the day was bidding adieu.

I gently swung back and forth on a rocking chair in the ‘balcao’ of my cousin’s elegant home, admiring the two beautiful ‘stars’ that glowed beautifully on both sides of the entrance of the house facing the hills of Mapusa in the distance.

Then suddenly as I turned my head towards my right I noticed that a bullock cart was approaching from the eastern part of the village. My curiosity led me to rise from the chair and proceed towards the road to try and get a closer look of the bullock cart.  A hurricane lamp attached to the arch made out of coconut tree leaves gently swayed to and fro. The bullock cart slowly drew nearer. It was then that I heard a chorus of children’s voices singing. I could hear the timeless and the most melodic eternal carol ever of Yuletide, Silent Night. The children’s voices gradually grew louder as the cart drew nearer. Soon the cart passed by us. It was then that I realized that it was a tableau on wheels featuring a simple Nativity scene on the deck of a good old and humble bullock-cart as seen from the rear.

This rare and beautiful treat for one’s eyes, nativity scene of the Holy Family was extremely touching. It was innocently portrayed by young kids. The scene touched the core of my heart reminding me of my own younger days. I was so overcome with admiration and joy that I instinctively followed the cart till the border of my village towards the west. People came running out of their houses and followed behind. The cart then slowed down and made a full turn heading back toward the eastern part of the village. The children singing Christmas carols followed dutifully behind the cart. All the kids following, including one in a garb of Santa Claus in this mini-tableau continued with their medley of carols, from one to another, in quick succession. The lone rider in front of the cart was quite careful and adept in leading them safely on the slow journey through the village.

One could say that the bullocks pulling the cart played their part too in presenting this awesome 'tableau on wheels' – with the bells in their necks chiming aptly just like Christmas bells. Their hooves kept time with their staccato while the grinding of the iron rims of the cart’s wheels over the paved road provided subdued percussion.

Bringing up the rear accompanying, guiding and helping this moving “holy young bunch” was a smart young lady, who I undoubtedly guessed, was in charge of this movable feast to everyone’s awe and wonder. The scene with all the strings of bright lights and typical ‘stars’ adorning the balconies of homes along the way added to the joyous spirit.

It was then that I realized that I had forgotten something. And what could that be? It was my camera of course, that I had left at home - a little distance away in the adjoining village of Canca, Parra. I regretted for not having carried it along with me as I usually do. So I approached this lady and asked her to let me take a picture before proceeding to get my camera. Permission granted, I raced back home on my scooter to get my camera for a picture of this tableau. I finally caught up with the exuberant group of youngsters as they proceeded on their way home a kilometer away to their own village of Vancio, Guirim, where this spirit of Yuletide was made with a simple, rustic and uniquely designed and a well presented tableau. A tableau on wheels. I felt awkward to stop their carol singing, but they were quite eager to pose for a picture.

Seeing me approach them in the twilight, the leader of the pack beckoned the bullock cart to a halt. The kids gladly posed for a picture that I requested. They carried on through the rest of their journey on the winding road back home wishing me a good night. That made my day, a photograph that bears testimony to the spirit of Yuletide. May God bless this group of exuberant and wonderful children wherever they are today.

Tony Fernandes
Author of: Goa - Memories of My Homeland (Poems & Stories)
This article first appeared in Goanet-News

[Goanet-news] Goanet Reader: Yuletide on wheels... a Christmas in Guirim (Tony Fernandes)

Goanet Reader Mon Dec 18 14:46:23 PST 2006