Cemetery of St. Thomas Church, Aldona, Bardez, GOA. India
Photograph by Tony Fernandes
(click on picture for a larger view)
Cemeteries of Goa
Every church in Goa has its own cemetery. It consists of a chapel attached to a high walled graveyard. My earliest memory of a visit to the cemetery was as a 9 year old at my grandmother's funeral. In the olden days a hand-drawn hearse was used to carry the coffin to church for the funeral rites. Pall-bearers then carried the coffin to the cemetery for the burial rites and internment, while the twin-tone chimes of the church bell tolled. As we entered the cemetery we saw the memorable and timeless words inscribed in Konkani on the arched doorway of the funeral chapel “AIZ MAKA, FALEAM TUKA”. Literal English translation of this common phrase is: ‘Today for me, tomorrow for you’. These proverbial words are made to appear as though apparently said by the person who has died before us, reminding us that death eventually awaits everyone. In fact the caption significantly makes a reference that death today is for him or her as he or she leaves us, but in the future death in turn it awaits those who have come to bury him or her. But in the broader sense, this rather reminds us that we, human beings, are mortals after all.
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By Tony Fernandes
When the final summons
Beckons at my door
To leave for another shore
I know it’s God call I can’t ignore.
It will be my life’s journey’s end,
Sudden and abrupt
Unannounced and undecided
I will have to leave in haste.
This departure I cannot
Adjourn, defer or halt
No luggage to cart
No time to prepare
Or say good-bye
Before I acknowledge
My final roll call.
Today I lament for loved ones
That I have lost long ago
But in turn will have to obey God’s command
When I have served my tenure and
And my time on earth is done.
Let me therefore do good,
Pardon my friend or foe
For it may be too late to do so
When God knocks on my door
And I am unable to look back
I have got to go.
When I am gone
My friends and family
May in turn
Grieve in pain and sorrow
And remorse so deep
So help me God to be good to others today
In what ever I do or say
So that I may be remembered
when the chapel bells toll tomorrow.
From up above I will only silently see
Unable to communicate or respond
Direct , guide or tell
But perhaps I could only wish
And hope there is at least one good thing
That I will be remembered by
If at all.
By Tony Fernandes
When the final summons
Beckons at my door
To leave for another shore
I know it’s God call I can’t ignore.
It will be my life’s journey’s end,
Sudden and abrupt
Unannounced and undecided
I will have to leave in haste.
This departure I cannot
Adjourn, defer or halt
No luggage to cart
No time to prepare
Or say good-bye
Before I acknowledge
My final roll call.
Today I lament for loved ones
That I have lost long ago
But in turn will have to obey God’s command
When I have served my tenure and
And my time on earth is done.
Let me therefore do good,
Pardon my friend or foe
For it may be too late to do so
When God knocks on my door
And I am unable to look back
I have got to go.
When I am gone
My friends and family
May in turn
Grieve in pain and sorrow
And remorse so deep
So help me God to be good to others today
In what ever I do or say
So that I may be remembered
when the chapel bells toll tomorrow.
From up above I will only silently see
Unable to communicate or respond
Direct , guide or tell
But perhaps I could only wish
And hope there is at least one good thing
That I will be remembered by
If at all.
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