Picturesque Goa

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

I did not see my shadow

'I did not see my shadow'.

According to what tradition holds is that if a ground-hog casts a shadow on February 2 then winter is here to stay for another 6 weeks, but if there's no shadow spring will come early.

Funny, how this groundhog has so to much to do about how long the winter is going to last or cut short. Who put him in charge of predicting the weather for me in the first place? Have I lost faith in earth weather satellites? I feel the poor guy may be bored to death down below and happens to come up for a breath of fresh air. Still funny is how serious the guy is to make a prediction for humans. I think in reality he is probably the chosen one sent up to ground level by his soul mates and report back whether it is safe to surface.

Today I rose before dawn. It was cloudy. Went back to sleep. Got up again, dressed and went out. I did not see my shadow, so I went into the house and slept again. Did not go to work. Lost a day's pay.

Lucky groundhog. He can go back into his hole if he doesn't like it up here on ground zero. He can hibernate. Or chase his furry crooked shadow if he has to when he comes out next for all I care. I have to bloody got to go to work whether I see my shadow or not.